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歡迎你哋講廣東話,而係想學英文嘅朋友,嚟到我嘅網誌 blog!  呢個 blog專門將廣東話嘅日常口語、 俗語、 粗口等等翻譯成英文,並盡量將兩種語言嘅含義程度接近。

Welcome  Cantonese-speaking learners of English to my blog!   It is written exclusively to translate daily used Cantonese colloquial expressions, slang, swear words etc. into English with the closest possible equivalent connotations of the two languages. 

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動詞或名詞 Noun or Verb

形容詞或副詞 Adj or adv

潮語 Modern Expressions

粗口 Swear Words

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