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 About Me 我係咩


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Ken M.

我係一個激情於將廣東話俗語, 口語等等翻譯為英文嘅香港佬 。藉着我呢個非一般漢英翻譯blog , 分享俾我哋啲想學英文嘅廣東人, 同埋互相研究, 有助我哋廣東佬表達英文。


我係土生土長嘅香港人,廣東話當然係母語, 滿腦子都係豐富嘅港式廣東話, 每次表達英文嘅時候, 都好想將博大精深嘅廣東話, 翻譯成含義程度接近嘅英文。 但總覺困難重重, 原因很多, 我認為, 其中原因, 就係香港嘅學校, 缺乏任何課程,書本等等,有系統咁樣,教導學生將日常慣用嘅廣東俗語,口語, 甚至粗口等翻譯為英文 。 為了提供一個資源, 就係我寫呢個blog嘅目的。


我唔係乜嘢嘅語言專家,或者大學係攻讀語言文學等等,只不過係對翻譯廣東話俗語和口語為英文,深感興趣的熱愛分子。 如有錯漏,請多多包涵。更希望各讀者專家,不吝指點,提出寶貴意見,俾我可改進翻譯造詣機會 。


我係香港讀英文中小學, 英國威爾斯上大學預科,蘇格蘭完成 Marketing 學士課程。係2021 2022 年, 分別係英格蘭 Aston  大學 同加拿大 York 大學 兩間唔同大學完成 Post Graduate in Entrepreneurship 及 Digital Marketing 深造課程 。 而家喺加拿大住 。雖然我長期受英式教育,但我較為鍾意北美英語 。除英文之外,因為我曾經係挪威 University of Bergen 攻讀哲學及北歐語言同係北歐居住幾十年, 可以我說一口流利挪威文同明白丹麥文。 我亦係香港大學完成法律文憑及倫敦大學合約法, 刑事法課程。對翻譯法律英語 legal English 為中文都好有興趣 。 我將2024年夏天入讀加拿大 Queen's 大學法律文憑課程。( 4月2號更新)

I'm a Hong Konger who is passionate about translating Cantonese slang and colloquial expressions etc. to English. With this unique blog that is written particularly for the translation, I hope I can share my works with Cantonese learners of English and collaborate with them, enhancing our ability to express ourselves in English.


I was born and raised in Hong Kong. Naturally, Cantonese is my mother tongue. Given a wealth of Hong Kong Cantonese expressions in my mind, I am always eager to translate those profound and sophisticated Cantonese into English to the closest possible equivalent meanings of the two languages. A lot of difficulties arise, though. There are many reasons for the difficulties. One of the main reasons is the lack of courses, textbooks etc that would systemically teach students to translate their daily used Cantonese colloquial expressions, slang or even swear words into English. To provide a source for helping the translation, this is the purpose of my blog.


Although I am not a linguist or the like, I have just a strong passion for getting Cantonese slang and colloquial expressions translated into English and sharing them with everyone. Your comments, corrections and suggestions are warmly welcome!


I went to English primary and secondary school in Hong Kong and college at A level in Wales. For the undergraduate education, I got BA in Marketing in a Scottish university. I completed the Post-Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship at Aston university in England and the Post-Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing  at York university in Toronto in 2021 and 2022 respectively.  I am now living in Canada. In spite of being educated for years under British system, I prefer North American English to British English. Besides English, I am fluent in Norwegian and have a good understanding of written Danish due to the study of Scandinavian languages and philosophy at University of Bergen in Norway and living there for decades. I had  completed the Certificate in Legal Studies at Hong Kong University and took Contract and Criminal Law courses at London University as well. Associated with the legal studies, I became also interested in legal English and its translation to Chinese.  In summer 2024 I will attend the Certificate in Law at Queen's University, Canada.  (Updated: April 2, 2024)

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