港燦英文 Fresh Off The Boat
FOB 或「Fresh off the boat」係加拿大同美國用嚟形容啱啱嚟到嘅移民嘅俚語,通常暗示佢哋仲未完全融入本地文化。呢個詞可以根據使用嘅情境,有中性同貶義嘅意思.
港燦英文 Fresh Off The Boat
搞軭咗 botch (up)
知條鐵英文 doesn't know shit
你明知英文 You know better than that
識人好過識字英文 It's not what you know, it's who you know
掠水 rip someone off
撻Q 英文 fall at the last hurdle
戇居居英文 dorky
唔使咁客氣英文 You shouldn't have
埋堆英文 get in with
貪過癮英文 for shits and giggles
上手 to get the hang of
開緊工, 收咗工 on the clock, off the clock
開工, 收工 clock in, clock out
冧, 冧爆, 冧仔/女散發的魅力, 冧功 rizz
符碌 fluke
祕撈 moonlight
絞盡腦汁 rack one’s brain
娘 Tacky