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篤背脊 backstab

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

篤[duk1]背[bui3]脊[zik3] - 用壞話在背後中傷某人, 打小報告的意思。

backstab ['bæk,stæb]


backstabbed, backstabbing, backstabber

the act of criticizing someone or doing something in a treacherous manner behind his/her back.

John backstabbed me when he told my husband about my secret.

She stabs her colleague Michael in the back by telling their boss about his carelessness.


The terms "backstab" and "backbite" are both idiomatic expressions that describe negative actions related to talking about someone behind their back. While they share some similarities, they have distinct meanings:

  1. Backstab: The term "backstab" refers to betraying or harming someone, usually a person you have a close relationship or association with, by undermining them or acting against their interests in a secretive or deceptive manner. It implies a sense of betrayal and treachery. Backstabbing can involve actions such as spreading rumors, sabotaging someone's efforts, or undermining their reputation behind their back.

Example: "She backstabbed her best friend by spreading false rumors about her to ruin her reputation."

  1. Backbite: "Backbite" refers to speaking negatively or maliciously about someone when they are not present, often to criticize or belittle them. It involves making derogatory comments or gossiping about someone behind their back. Backbiting typically focuses on attacking someone's character or discussing their flaws or shortcomings.

Example: "The colleagues engaged in backbiting, constantly gossiping about their co-worker's personal life and spreading negativity about her work."

In summary, "backstab" involves betraying or harming someone behind their back, while "backbite" refers to speaking negatively or gossiping about someone when they are not present. Backstabbing suggests a sense of betrayal, while backbiting focuses more on criticizing or belittling someone.

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