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'chur' pushy/wear out/clingy

Updated: Jan 30

和很多的廣東話 一樣, chur 有很多不同的意思, 視乎上文下理, 以下是一些例子:

Like many Cantonese slang, ‘chur’ has various meanings, depending on the context. The following are some of the meanings:

1 咄咄逼人 pushy

形容詞 /adjective

• (廣東話) 呢個 sales好chu, 博命氹我買嘢

• (國語) 這個售貨員咄咄逼人, 拼命勸我買東西

• This salesman is so pushy, talking me into buying the goods.

2 使消耗, 竭盡的意思 一般含有急速的意味

wear out, stretch, drain

2.1 動詞/verb

• (廣東話) 我老細勁chur我, 要我跑到條數

• (國語)我老闆拼命使我筋疲力盡, 為了達到這營業額

• My boss dreadfully wears me out in order to meet the sales quote.

• (廣東話) 你要休息多啲, 唔好咁chur啦!

• (國語) 你要休息多些, 不要讓竭盡自己!

• You have to take more rest. Don’t be stretched!

2.2 形容詞 /adjective

(廣東話) 呢間公司好chur

• (國語) 使人耗盡精力的公司

• It is a really draining workplace.

3 很忙碌 壓力大 demanding and stressful

(形容詞 )

• (廣東話) 嗰份工好 chur!

• (國語) 這份工作很忙碌很大壓力 !

• The job is demanding and stressful!

4 可指某人要求他(她) 的伴侣, 無時無刻陪伴在身旁,佔據對方的一切。

The Cantonese slang can sometimes describe a situation where a man or woman clings to his girlfriend/boyfriend night and day, possessing her/him completely. cling to/clingy

• (廣東話) John 成日俾佢條 女Chur爆。

• (國語) John 終日被他的女友纏着

• His girlfriend clings to John round the clock.

• (廣東話) John條女好chur

• (國語) John的女朋友好粘人的

• John’s girlfriend is so clingy.

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