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  • Writer's pictureKen Y. M.

一手硬, 一手軟 carrot and stick

(諺語) 軟硬兼施,恩威並重的意思。

(proverb) This Cantonese expression means to use both reward and punishment to induce and pressure someone to do something. It can be expressed in English using the idiom ‘carrot and stick’.

  • The boss is using the carrot and stick approach to the negotiation with his subordinates, promising to increase welfare and threatening them with dismissal if they do not stop strike.

逐個字的發音及原意解釋 Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

一[yat1]: one

手[sau2]: hand

硬[ngaang6]: hard

一[yat1]: one

手[sau2]: hand

軟[yun5]: soft

同義成語或諺語 idioms or proverbs with similar meaning:

play good cop and bad cop

  • In negotiation with the worker, the two managers are playing good cop and bad cop.

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