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  • Writer's pictureKen Y. M.

九唔搭八 off-topic/incoherent

Updated: Mar 11, 2023

原意: 按順序從一數到九的時候 ,如果你數八之後不是九,而是其它什麼數字的話,當然就是沒有條理的,連貫的。

(成語) 意思一 : (貶意)來描述問非所答的回應或答案。 (同義詞): 牛頭不對馬嘴(書面語)/牛頭唔答馬咀(口語)。 英文可以譯為 off-topic*/gibberish。

*為了符合九唔搭八廣東話貶意味道, 我建議在 off-topic之前加上really, completely, totally 等等的副詞。

The minister’s response to the reporter’s question was really *off-topic.

(成語) 意思二: (貶意)來描述語無倫次的, 沒有條理的人物或行為。英文可以譯為 incoherent。

Stephen Chau is well-known for his incoherent character in his movies.



Literally, the Cantonese idiom means that the number eight is preceded by nine. When counting numbers in such a way that nine does not follow eight, the order does not make sense.

Meaning 1: Adj. (derogative) Off-topic. The use of this Cantonese idiom suggests that the user is irritated by the complete irrelevancy of the answer, response or statement given to the question or topic under discussion etc.

Meaning 2: Adj. (derogative) incoherent. This Cantonese idiom is used to describe a person who is or his character which is completely illogical or nonsensical.

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