原意是指人仆到街頭 ,現在已引申到不同意思, 視乎上文下理 或者環境等等 :
Literally*, the slang means 'trip and fall on street'. It is now extended to different meanings, depending on the context or circumstances:
1. (名詞) 意思是做了令人厭惡, 可憎的行為的人
呢個老细真係仆街 !
(noun) a very despicable person, his act or a situation.
This boss is really a son of a bitch/bastard/asshole/wanker motherfucker!
You motherfucker!
我個人覺得, 要表達到廣東話那種厭惡的程度,最適當都是用 motherfucker.
In my view, the most appropriate English slang to match the extent of the Cantonese speaker’s disgust at the person concerned is ‘motherfucker’.
2. 詛咒別人
as a curse on a person
You, go to hell!
3. 指陷入絕境
In very bad trouble or difficulty
I’m screwed!
為了避免粗俗 香港人會說PK (Puk Kai), 表達的, 當然不是它的字面意思。
In order not to be vulgar, Hong Kongers may say “PK” (acronym of Puk Kai) rather than仆街 *逐個字的發音及原意解釋:
Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:
仆[puk1]: trip (over something)
街[gaai1]: street