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  • Writer's pictureKen M.

你明知英文 You know better than that

你明知英文 You know better than that

"你明知英文"或者"你明知㗎啦英文" You know better than that 係一句話用嚟表達當某人行為出乎意料或不當時感到失望或驚訝,特別係當佢應該根據佢嘅知識或經驗應該知道嘅時候。呢句話係指示人有能力作出更明智或更知情嘅選擇,但佢照樣出錯。例如,如果一個有經驗嘅人喺某一個領域犯咗一個應該避免嘅錯誤,你可以話:"你明知㗎啦,唔應該犯咁樣嘅錯誤"。

"你明知英文"或者"你明知㗎啦英文" "You know better than" is a phrase used to express disappointment or surprise when someone behaves in a way that is unexpected or inappropriate, especially when they should have known better based on their knowledge or experience. It implies that the person is capable of making a wiser or more informed choice, but for some reason, they did not. For example, if someone with experience in a particular field makes a mistake they should have avoided, you might say, "You know better than to make that error."

例句  Examples

  1. She relayed that you mistreated her, but you know better than that.

  2. Just go and do your homework before taking dinner. You know better than that.

  3. Oh, Come on George, you know better than that.

  4. The mother reminded her, “Well you know better than that. Don't make such a mess again.” Her daughter replied, “Okay, that's it. Any more you wanna complaint.”

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