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  • Writer's pictureUncle Ken

唔使咁客氣英文 You shouldn't have

唔使咁客氣 You shouldn't have

你唔使咁客氣英文(片語動詞) You shouldn’t have (phrase): 這句話是當一個人收到另一個人的禮物時的禮貌回應 The phrase is used as a polite response when a person receives a gift from the other.

例句  Examples:


  1. Friend A: "I got you this book because I thought you'd enjoy it." Friend B: "Wow, thank you so much! You really shouldn't have."

  2. Colleague A: "I brought you some coffee because I know you've been working late nights." Colleague B: "That's so thoughtful of you! You really shouldn't have."

  3. Family Member A: "I bought you this sweater because I thought it would look great on you." Family Member B: "Oh, you shouldn't have! But thank you, I love it."

  4. Neighbor A: "I baked you some cookies because I wanted to thank you for always helping out." Neighbor B: "Oh, you're too kind! You really shouldn't have."

  5. Partner: "I booked us a weekend getaway because I wanted to surprise you." Partner: "Oh my goodness, this is amazing! You really shouldn't have, but I'm so grateful."


Verbatim Pronunciation and literal meaning of Cantonese:

你[nei5]: you

唔[m4] 使[sai2]: need not

咁[gam3]: such

客氣[haak3 hei3]: "politeness" or "courteousness." It refers to someone who behaves in a respectful and considerate manner towards others.

啦[laa1]: In Cantonese, "啦" (laa1) is a particle commonly used in casual speech to indicate various purposes such as indicating a suggestion, softening a command, expressing affirmation, or adding emphasis. It doesn't have a direct equivalent in English but is similar to the usage of "well" or "you know" in casual conversation

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