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執生 play it by ear

 執生 in English: play it by ear
執生英文 play it by ear

執生英文 play it by ear. 例句:

(1) "We can't make a decision yet. Let's just play it by ear 我們還不能做出決定,讓我們見機行事。" Cambridge Dictionary.

(2) "She didn't know what to expect from her new job, so she played it by ear"

(3). "Rather than plan an elaborate strategy, Andy decided to play it by ear"

(俗語) (動詞) “執生”見機行事的意思:

play it by ear:

“to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops, rather than acting according to plans made earlier”. Cambridge Dictionary.

“to do something without special preparation”. Merriam Webster,.

“to improvise”. Dictionary. Com

逐個字的發音及原意解釋 Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

執[zap1] : to grab

生[saang1] : live, living, fresh

同義詞 Synonyms: improvise

Comments: "Play it by ear" and "improvise" share some similarities in that they both involve adapting to situations as they unfold, but there are subtle differences in their meaning and usage:

  1. "Play it by Ear": This expression is often used when you don't have a fixed plan or specific course of action, and you are waiting to see how things develop or how you feel at the time. It implies a degree of flexibility and spontaneity in decision-making. It can be used for various situations, not just creative or performance-related ones.

  2. "Improvise": "Improvise" specifically refers to creating or performing something on the spot, often in a creative or artistic context. It's about making things up as you go, usually in the absence of a prepared script, plan, or score. Improvisation is a skill, often associated with music, theater, or comedy, where individuals use their creativity and adaptability to respond to the moment.

In summary, while both expressions involve making decisions on the fly, "playing it by ear" is a more general and everyday term that can be applied to various situations where flexibility is needed. "Improvise," on the other hand, is more specific and is commonly associated with creative or artistic activities that involve spontaneous creativity and performance.


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