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  • Writer's pictureKen Y. M.

堅離地 in ivory tower

Updated: Mar 11, 2023

首先我覺得"堅離地"比較 "離地", 更加有香港本土氣味.

至於"離地"的解釋 , 以下翻譯不錯:

"「離地」通常用作形容某些人的想法或行為脫離普羅大眾,不食民間煙火,不知民間疾苦,就如雙腳離開地面一樣,活於天際,高高在上。如果以一個英文字去形容這個含意,有些人會選擇以“ignorant” 去闡述,ignorant 的意思是無知, 對他人處境無法意會。 

如想更貼近去表達某某的想法脫離現實,我們可用 "out of touch with the real world” 或“out of touch with reality” 去表達,兩者皆指不切合現實處境。" 英語教室

但是我覺得 直接用“out of touch" 較為簡單, 或 in ivory tower "來形容堅離地好貼切. 或"detached from reality"翻譯也不錯!

e.g. Mrs. Object thought that she could buy toilet paper in convenient stores. How could a leader who lives in an ivory tower solve the problems the ordinary residents are facing everyday ?

另一個成語建議是 head in the clouds:

eg. Mrs. Object thinks that a payment of 10,000 would solve the problem. She has her head in the clouds.

也可以參考 Michael Chugani 先生的提議的成語:

"Thats' pie in the sky. in la la land.

That's building castles in the air".

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