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  • Writer's pictureUncle Ken

好串 Cocky

意思: 狂妄自負的

Meaning: "好串" or "cocky" in English is an informal term used to describe someone who is overly self-confident or arrogant, often to the point of appearing conceited or brash. It typically implies that the person displays an excessive belief in their abilities, knowledge, or appearance and may come across as boastful or showing an air of superiority. A cocky person may exude self-assuredness, but it's often seen as a negative trait when it crosses the line into being overly confident to the point of being off-putting or dismissive of others.


Mrs. Lam is notorious for her cocky statements.

同義詞: 招積

Synonyms: bigheaded; arrogant; conceited

*逐個字的發音及原意解釋 Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

串 [cyun3]: (a) string (of)

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