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小家 petty

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

小家英文 petty

(口語) (形容詞) (貶意) “小家” 形容一個人刻薄、 吝嗇或不大方,不願意與人給予或分享東西,即使這些東西很瑣碎或對他個人沒有重大影響。 這個人不一定對自己刻薄。 通常,他是喜歡貪小便宜的人。

(Colloq.)(Disapproving) (Adjective) “小家” describes a person who is so mean, stingy or ungenerous to give or share things with people, even though the things are trivial or do not have a significant impact on them personally. The person may not necessarily be mean to himself. Usually, he is overly focused on small benefits.

Note that 小家 and 小氣 in Cantonese are similar in meaning but with nuance. In English, however, both usage can be translated to ‘petty”.

例句 Examples:

1. Material Possessions: Despite having an abundance of resources, he's remarkably petty when it comes to lending anything to others. Even borrowing a pen becomes a contentious issue.

2. Office Environment: In the office, her petty nature is evident. She withholds information from colleagues and is unwilling to share credit for the team's successes.

3. Friendships: She's known for being petty in friendships, always calculating who owes what in terms of favors and quick to tally any perceived imbalance, no matter how trivial.

4. Everyday Courtesies: His pettiness extends to everyday situations. He's the type who would argue over a few cents rather than letting it go, even though the amount is negligible.

5. Social Gatherings: At social gatherings, his petty behavior is evident. He'll gladly accept invitations but is reluctant to reciprocate or contribute in any meaningful way.

6. Competition: In any form of competition, her pettiness comes to the forefront. Whether it's a friendly game or a work-related challenge, she's more focused on minor advantages than the overall objective.

7. Workplace Opportunities: His pettiness is most apparent when it comes to workplace opportunities. He's quick to snatch up any small advantage, even if it means undermining colleagues.


Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

小家 [siu2]: little; small

小家 [gaa1]: home

同義詞: 唔大方; 斤斤計較

Synonyms: ungenerous; mean-spirited

相關詞語: 小氣; 孤寒

Related words or phrases: touchy; stingy

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