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小氣 petty

小氣英文 petty

“小氣” 或 “小器” (形容詞) (貶意) 因少少事情而生氣或耿耿於懷, (國語/普通話) 小心眼的意思*.

“小氣” or “小器” (Adj.) (derog.) Be easily angry about or take offence at trivial matters.

*注意: 普通話的小氣” 或 “小器” 包含吝嗇及小心眼的意思. 但廣東話卻沒有包含吝嗇意思 (“學好廣東話天書”, p. 190).

Note: “小氣” or “小器” in Mandarin/Putonghua refer to both ‘stingy’ and ‘Be easily angry about or take offence at trivial matters’ while the expression in Cantonese does not refer to ‘stingy’ (“學好廣東話天書”, p. 190).

例句 Examples:

  1. Her petty nature was evident when she overheard a casual comment about office snacks and later sabotaged a colleague's presentation out of spite.

  2. Instead of letting go of a lighthearted joke made online, she took it personally and engaged in petty behavior, unfollowing and blocking the person who posted it.

  3. Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue, his petty responses to differing opinions included personal attacks and attempts to tarnish the reputations of those who disagreed with him.


Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

小 [siu2]: little; small

氣 [saang1]: air

器 [hei3]: device; dinnerware

同義: 小心眼

Synonyms: touchy; mean-spirited; narrow-minded

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