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我錯咗 My bad

我錯咗英文 My bad

"我錯咗” (動詞)(口語) 英文有好多種說法,但鑒於廣東話 “我錯咗”是口語化 和地道, 英文的翻譯亦應該盡量都是口語化和地道, 因此 (美式) (口語) My bad最為適合之一。

There are many ways to say "我錯咗” in English. Since "我錯咗” is colloquial which is often used by native Cantonese speakers, the English translation should also be similarly colloquial which is often used by English native speakers. Therefore, My bad is one of the most appropriate translations.

例句 Examples:

  1. Forgetting something

• Friend: "Did you bring the snacks for the movie night?"

• You: "Oh, my bad! I totally forgot. I'll grab them now."

2. Making an error at work:

• Colleague: "The report is missing some important data."

• You: "Oops, my bad. I'll revise it and include the necessary information."

3. Messing up plans:

• Friend: "We were supposed to meet at 5, where are you?"

• You: "My bad! Lost track of time. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

4. Misunderstanding something:

• Classmate: "You said the exam was tomorrow, but it's today!"

• You: "Oh, my bad. I must have misunderstood the schedule."

5. Accidentally bumping into someone:

• Stranger: "Watch where you're going!"

• You: "Sorry, my bad. I didn't see you there."

6. Using the wrong information:

• Team member: "This data is outdated."

• You: "My bad, I must have pulled the wrong file. Let me get the correct one."


Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

我 [ngo5]: I, me

錯 [co3]: mistake, fault

咗 [zo2]: is a colloquial particle or aspect marker. It is used to indicate the completion of an action or a change in state, similar to the English past tense or the completion aspect in some other languages.



說到 “我錯咗”, 不能不提到 “我衰咗”。 雖然這兩個詞句都承認錯誤或錯誤,但所傳達的責任的語氣和程度可能有所不同。前者傳達出不那麼嚴肅或正式的感覺, 但後者則認識到犯了一個較為重大錯誤,並且可能會承擔更多責任或後果。 鑒於這細微差別, 英文翻譯亦都需要傳達者不同的語氣或程度. 所以 ”我衰咗”適合翻譯為 I screwed up.


I screwed up

Speaking of 我錯咗 , the synonym 我衰咗should be mentioned. Although these two Cantonese expressions refer to acknowledgement of a mistake, they convey different connotations and level of responsibility. The former conveys the sense of less seriousness or formality while the latter conveys a significant mistake and probable responsible for the mistake or consequence. Hence, “I screwed up” is a more appropriate English translation of 我衰咗.

相關詞語 Related words or phrases:

我大鑊啦 I’m screwed!

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“My bad – (US informal) used for saying that you are wrong or that something is your fault: ‘You bought the wrong book’. ‘Okay, my bad. I’ll go get it’.” Cambridge

“My bad – (US and Canadian informal): my fault or mistake”. Collins

“my bad – (slang) my fault!”

“My bad (American English spoken informal) used to say that you have made a mistake or that something is your fault”. Longman

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