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淆底 chicken out

淆底英文 chicken out 淆底 (俗語) (動詞): 因為驚慌, 而臨陣退縮的意思.

“(phrasal verb) chicken out (of something/of doing something) (informal) to decide not to do something because you are afraid”. Oxford Dictionary.

例句 Examples:

  • I was going to try bungee jumping, but I totally chickened out when I got to the edge of the platform.

  • She wanted to confront her boss about the unfair treatment, but she chickened out at the last minute and stayed silent.

  • My friends dared me to eat a whole ghost pepper, but I chickened out when I saw how spicy it was.

  • He had the opportunity to ask his crush to the prom, but he chickened out and ended up regretting it.

  • I was going to jump into the cold lake with them, but I chickened out because I couldn't handle the temperature.

  • They challenged me to do the daredevil stunt, but I chickened out when I thought about the risks involved.


Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

淆 [ngaau4] : mix

底 [dai2]: bottom; floor




"Bail out": This means to abandon a plan or situation due to fear or uncertainty. For example, "He bailed out at the last minute and didn't go skydiving."

"Wimp out": This implies that someone is acting like a coward or showing a lack of bravery. For example, "Don't wimp out on us now; we need your support."

"Back down": This suggests that someone has withdrawn from a confrontation or challenge. For example, "He backed down from the argument and walked away."

"Lose one's nerve": This means to lose the courage or confidence to carry out a plan or action. For example, "She lost her nerve and didn't ask for a promotion."

"Choke": In some contexts, "choke" means to fail under pressure or to back out when the stakes are high. For example, "He had a chance to win, but he choked at the last moment."


縮沙; 裹足不前

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get cold feet

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