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  • Writer's pictureKen Y. M.

發姣 horny/sluttish

(1) 發情的意思 , 只是用於女性 。

  • 條女見到條靚仔行過就發晒姣

Literally*, 發姣 means ‘to send out lust’ which is used for female only. The Cantonese colloquial is similar to ‘be horny’ in English.

  • The chick was horny once the hunk passed her.

(2) ‘發姣’, 或者只是’姣’ , 也可以用於指女性向男性拋媚送眼,引誘他們的行為,態度或性格 。

  • 條女好姣

‘發姣’, or ’姣’only, can also be used as an adjective to describe a flirtatious act, attitude or character of a female.

  • The chick is sluttish/loose.

*Pronounced and translated verbatim

發[faat3]:to send out

姣[haau4]: lust/desire

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