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祕撈 moonlight

祕撈英文 moonlight

"秘撈" (俗語) (動詞), 指瞞著僱主, 從事兼職的意思。

"秘撈" [bei3 lou1] - To have an extra job, usually without informing the main employer.

例句 Examples:

Noun Form:

Her manager discovered her moonlighting at a local café after he spotted her during his lunch break.

Moonlighting can be a violation of company policies if not disclosed to the employer.

Verb Form (Moonlight):

He was caught moonlighting as a freelance graphic designer while working full-time at the advertising agency.

Employees should be cautious about moonlighting to avoid conflicts of interest with their primary job.

Adjective Form (Moonlighting Job):

She took on a moonlighting job as a part-time consultant to supplement her income.

"The company has strict rules regarding moonlighting activities to maintain transparency.


Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

秘 [bei3]: secret

撈[lou1]: work

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