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笑到碌地 crack-up

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

(用語) 笑到碌地: 形容遇到極可笑之事,笑得無法抑制.

(phrasal verb/noun) crack up: A person is so delighted or amused that he/she can't help but laugh or express his/her happiness in a visible and often boisterous way. This phrase is usually used informally to describe a situation where someone's actions or words have had a genuinely positive and cheerful impact on another person.


She told a joke that had us all cracking up for hours.

The comedian's stand-up routine was so hilarious that the entire audience cracked up laughing.

The funny cat videos online always manage to crack me up.

Watching that comedy movie with the witty one-liners will definitely crack you up.

His impersonations of famous celebrities are so spot-on; they never fail to crack up the crowd.

逐個字的發音及原意解釋 Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

笑 [siu3]: laugh

到 [dou3]: reach; arrive

碌 [luk1]: roll over

地[dou1]: floor

A person laughs so much to the extent that he rolls over on the floor.

同義詞 Synonyms: 笑到騎騎聲; 笑到肚都鬈

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