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符碌 fluke

"符碌"英文 fluke

“符碌” (名詞)(貶意) 指僥倖, 靠運氣的意思。

“符碌”發音相近英文的 “fluke”. 而 “fluke” 在英式桌球運動方面, 是指僥倖地入了球的意思。

"符碌" 應該是由”fluke” 直接拼音以來。

The pronunciation of “符碌” [fu4 luk1] is similar to the English “fluke”. In English billiards, “fluke” means luckily scoring the ball. “符碌”should be derived from the direct pronunciation of fluke.

評論:與英語中的“fluke” 不同,粵語中的“符碌”帶有貶義。

Comment: Unlike English “fluke”, “符碌” in Cantonese has derogative connotation.

例句 Examples:

It is just a fluke that the lost diamond was found.

By fluke, he avoided the accident.

Winning the lottery was a complete fluke; he never expected to get so lucky.

The rookie's incredible shot at the buzzer was a fluke, but it won them the game.


Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

符[fu4]: 標記, 符號

碌[luk1]: 忙碌

同義詞: 僥倖; 靠運氣; 狗屎撞棍

Synonyms: (a piece of) luck; lucky shot; fortunate coincidence

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