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絞盡腦汁 rack one’s brain

絞盡腦汁英文 rack one’s brain

"絞盡腦汁" (動詞): 費盡腦筋,想盡辦法, 費盡心思去思考一件事情.

"rack one's brain": make a great effort to figure out, think of or remember something.

例句 Examples:

1. I've been trying to remember where I left my keys all morning, but I can't quite recall. I've been racking my brain, but it's just not coming to me.

2. She racked her brain for a solution to the complex math problem, staying up late into the night until she finally figured it out.

3. The detective spent hours racking his brain, trying to piece together the clues and solve the mysterious case.

4. I've been racking my brain, trying to come up with a creative idea for the project presentation, but nothing seems to be clicking.

5. As the exam approached, he spent countless hours racking his brain, reviewing notes and textbooks to ensure he was well-prepared.


Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

絞 [gaau2]: wring; entangle

盡 [zeon6]: to the limit/utmost; end

腦 [nou5]: brain

汁 [zap1]: juice

同義詞: 諗嚟諗去; 諗爆個腦; 諗到頭都大埋

Synonyms: wrestle with one's thoughts

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