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  • Writer's pictureKen Y. M.

跟風 jump on the bandwagon

Updated: Apr 27, 2021


(動詞)或(名詞) "跟風:廣義講,應該是學習、跟隨一種風尚或潮流。是一箇中性詞。狹義講,是一味盲目的跟潮流,不管是否切合實際。這則是貶義詞。在大多數情況下,都是把跟風作爲貶義詞來用的,指突然盛行起某樣東西時,自己沒有或缺少主見,不經過仔細思考,盲目跟隨潮流,參與,模仿,或可說是價值觀的一種迷失。



跟[gan1] means 'to follow" and 風[fung1] means 'wind'. As these words suggest, the expression that can be used as verb or noun, is similar in meaning and negative sense of 'jump, climb or get on the bandwagon' in English.

jump/climb/get on the bandwagon - to become involved in an activity that is successful so that you can get the advantages of it yourself:

The success of the product led many firms to try to jump on the bandwagon” Cambridge Dictionary

Hong Kong retailers like to jump on the bandwagon, offering the similar products when they are trendy.

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