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  • Writer's pictureKen Y. M.

躺平 an idle and laid-back lifestyle/attitude

Updated: Dec 27, 2021

從字面上看,這個詞語的意思是“躺 下”*1。(差不多等於廣東話的 “攤屍” *2 )。嚴格地說,它根本不是粵語俚語或口語。這是中國大陸互聯網上的新流行語。 但是, 它很可能在像香港的廣東話地區 ,會成為一種潮語 。

這個詞語是一種生活方式或態度,而不是一種行動的表達 。據說這個詞語的產生, 是反映中國大陸的一些年輕人對自己的未來失去了希望。隨著國家經濟的快速發展,他們在住房、汽車和娛樂等等方面都趕不上飛漲的價格。他們不想要在資本主義機器中作無止境的生活競賽。他們寧願躺在沙發上,停止工作,靠積蓄過日子,享受生活。


1. 躺下這個動作的意思

2. 刻意少做或不做工作以降低生活開支

3. 享受悠閒的生活方式


(形容詞) an idle and laid-back lifestyle/attitude; in idle and laid-back way


(動詞) to loaf around.

(名詞) deadbeat; loafer; idler; layabout.

(形容詞) funemployed.

Literally, the expression means ‘lie’ and ‘flat’*1 or ‘lie down’ in English. (More or less, it is equate with the Cantonese slang “攤屍” *2). Precisely speaking, it is not a Cantonese slang or colloquial expression at all. It is a new buzzword on the internet in mainland China. However, it is likely to be fashionable in Cantonese speaking communities like Hong Kong soon.

The expression is about a lifestyle or attitude rather than an action. It is said that the expression has been coined to reflect that some youth in mainland China are losing hopes of their future. With the country’s rapid economic development, they are not able to catch up with the skyrocketing prices in terms of homes, cars and entertainment etc. They don’t want to have the rat race, running endlessly in a capitalist machine. They would rather lie down on sofa, stop working, live off their savings and enjoy their lives.

To translate the expression into English is challenging because of its three implications:

1. The action of lying down in the strictest sense

2. Doing little or no work intentionally to minimize living costs

3. Enjoying their laid-back lifestyle

Roughly speaking, the expression may be translated to

(adj.) an idle and laid-back lifestyle/attitude; in idle and laid-back way

Related expressions:

(verb) to loaf around.

(noun) deadbeat; loafer; idler; layabout.

(adj.) funemployed.

*1 & 2逐個字的發音及原意解釋:

1 & 2 Verbatim Pronunciation and (literal) meaning:

躺[tong2]: lie/lying

平[ping4/peng4]: flat

攤[taan1]: lie/lying

屍[si1]: corpse

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