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開工, 收工 clock in, clock out

開工, 收工地道英翻譯 clock in, clock out

開工* (動詞): (國語)上班; 收工*(動詞): (國語)下班

“Clock in phrasal verb. (UK also clock on); To begin work” Cambridge Dictionary

“clock out. To end work”. Dictionary. Com

“clock off. British English: to leave work at the end of the day” Long man

例句 Examples:

“What time did you clock in this morning?” Cambridge

“They arrived to clock on and found the factory gates locked” Collins

“She had clocked out of her bank at 5.00 pm”. Collins

“What time do you clock off?” Longman


*Verbatim Pronunciation and literal meaning of Cantonese:

開[hoi1]: to open

收[hoi1]: to close

工[gung1]: work

相關詞語: 返緊工; 放咗工

Related words or phrases: on the clock; off the clock

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